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Q: What is the different between Regular line and Creamy line?
A: Please see our blog post about this.
Q: When will my order be shipped ?
A: After your order is placed, please allow 1-2 days for us to process your order.
Q: How much is the shipping cost?
A: Shipping cost depends on the products you ordered. If the item total is over $100, we offer free shipping. If it is below $100, the shipping cost will depends on the products weight and your location. You will be able to see the shipping charge before you make the payment.
Q: What is the pickup location or the location to ship from?
A: It is 1450 Parker Ave. Regina SK. If you need to pick up your order, it will be put in our mailbox outside of the house.
Q: How can I become a Kryvaline ambassador?
A: If you are interested in become Kryvaline ambassador, email us your recent face or body painting designs to kryvaline@gmail.com. Our selection committee will vote and decide.
Q: Where can I get the Product MSDS sheet?
A: for Face and body paint, click here.
for Hybrid airbrush tattoo ink, click here.
Q: How can I get a Kryvaline discount code?
A: When a discount is available, we will post it on the home page under the sliding banners.